JUNE 29 02:58am

A LeAder whO is Using tHeir pOsition fOr sOmetHing otHer than deveLopment of empLoyees is nOt at aLL PROFESSIONAL!

tHere Are bOsses wHo Enjoy mAking Crude aNd Rude cOmments at the Office…
CoMments Are prOfane or jUst dOnt fit tHe wOrking moLd hAppen mOre often than you wouLd think…
WhiLe this dOesnt aLways hUrt tHe Leader, you have tO know wHo can tAke yOur hUmor and who cannot!
it can be a hUge Mess fOr the cOmpany if sOMeone tAkes an iNappropriate cOmment the WRONG WAY…

Bosses whO are nOt pRofessionaL aRe nOt good for the cOmpany.
They advocAte a cuLture wHere nOthing gets dOne aNd advAnceMent is bAsed On who cAn do the mOst fOr the bOss.
Turning empLoyees intO Servants is nOt whAt being a bOss is aLL abOut.

I work in this kind of EnvirOnment
The mAnager pOsition aNd TeaM Leaders are tHe one pLace wHere yOu wouLd expect yOur bOss tO be prOfessionaL..
bUt tHere are pLenty of bOsses wHo simpLy use tHeir POWER as a means tO anOther end thAt has Nothing to do with LEADERSHIP. ..
These bOsses tEnd not tO do weLL..
and tHe peopLe they Are in chArge Of teNd to nOt Like the BOSS after awhiLe….

My Bosses DevaLues the wOrk of professionaL Recruiters aNd pits Team members agaiNst each otHer..
fRom my Point of view
if yOu Are in A pOsition wHere yOu are a TEAM LEADER or mAnager or whatever is yOur Position..
yOu shouLd KNOW hOw to taLk to peopLe withOut yeLLing or mAking them feeL stUpid….
why dont they Just aPproach us in a Very HUmane MAnner
rather tHAn sHouting and yeLLing in front of other Agents..
And you caLL yOurseLf as a “TEAM LEADER”???
are yOu fuckin’ Kidding me???
I Lost aLL the RESPECT fOr this Organization….
Too bad too,
Because even thOugh the PAY wasn’t tHe gReatest..
theRe are SELECTED AND A VERY FEW coworkers tHat were aLL great and i Love to Hang out with..

JUST A PIECE OF ADVICE fOr tHe MAnagement and TeaM LEaders…
yOu sHouLd Try try aCting a bit More RESPECTFULL
to tHe eMpLoyees RatHer That PREJUDGING US
as nOt wAnting to wOrk.
Most peopLe if treAted with RESPECT AND DIGNITY are wiLLing to work 100% for an empLoyer…